This procedure allows people to connect to MySQL server remotely over a local LAN network

Firstly, the Tabernus server will require two network connections - one for external connection, one for the wiping network. For example:
eth0 - commercial network
eth1 - isolated network for erasures

These can be set up from System > Administration > Network
The external network connection should be set up as a static IP address, not in the range - 254

Assuming this is set up, the following actions need to be performed to add a user that can be used from an external machine

Open up a terminal from the desktop, by right clicking and open in terminal.
gedit /etc/mysql/my.cnf

This will open an editor with the MySQL configuration.

Find the line:
bind-address =

Edit this to be:
bind-address =

Save and close my.cnf

Restart the MySQL service from the terminal window:
service mysqld restart

Open up the Administrator Program:
Applications > Programming > MySQL Administrator

Log in with the following details:
Server Hostname: localhost
Port: 3306
Username: root
Password: tabernus
Press connect.

On the left hand side click User Administration.
Under the user 'root' on the bottom left hand of the window right click and choose New User
Under Login Information for that user, rename the user to something useful
Set the password for the user to be something memorable
Apply the changes (bottom right hand side)
Once you have applied the settings, you will have to reselect that new account (as the name has changed)
Select Schema Privileges on the Administrator
Select the TABERNUS_ASSETDB_V2 schema
Select all the Available Privileges from the right hand column (select one and press [Ctrl]-a) and press the left hand arrow on the screen to allow all.
Apply the changes, and exit the software.

You should be able to connect to the database from a second computer/server now.
When connecting use:
Hostname: Static IP Address of the Tabernus Server on the commercial network
Port: 3306
Username: New username set above
Password: New password as set above.