Tabernus Customer Portal


· Once agreed, Tabernus will provide you with a Tabernus Customer Portal space within 24 hours.

· The Tabernus Customer Portal can be reached at:

· Purchase licenses from your regional Tabernus Sales Office. Tabernus will ‘credit’ your licenses to your Portal space.

· From the Portal you can access software downloads, generate usage reports, license your Tabernus products and view your transactions history.

· Login details for the Portal will be given to you when you receive your portal ‘space’.

Creating a Tabernus EE USB Key

· Download the Enterprise Erase USB software using the link on the Portal

· Elect to keep the file

· Open the downloaded file and the following dialog box will appear: follow the instructions to create the key.

· Any existing data on the key will be erased — a warning dialog will appear. Ensure you select the correct key if more than one is connected to your system.

· Installation process continues: follow instructions

· Depending on your version etc., Windows may display the Compatibility Assistant: simply click This program installed correctly.

Licensing Your Tabernus EE USB Key

· Run the file that is now on your key — “LicenseWizard_USB”

· Follow the instructions. Enter the number of licenses you would like.

· You will be presented with a Request Key:

· In the Customer Portal, click 'Request License By Key'.

· Enter the key in to the License Request key box and enter/select other required data.

· You will be presented by a Response Key

· Enter Response Key into Response Box

· Your Tabernus EE USB Key is ready for use!

Using Your Tabernus EE USB Key

· Insert the USB key into the target PC/Laptop and choose Boot from USB.

· Tabernus Client will start and recognise both internal and external connected drives.

· Once the main Erasure GUI appears, select the drive(s) you wish to erase.

· Select erasure level, then click ERASE.

· Follow on-screen instructions to save/obtain reports. Support is available from:


· Minimum requirements are a 1GB memory key, USB2, an IBM compatible PC with a Pentium or AMD processor.

· Machine to be wiped must be bootable from USB (usually F12, Esc etc., to enter boot menu—some Dell PC’s require it to be enabled in BIOS

· Monitor, keyboard, mouse