To Access SQL Lite, please follow the below instructions
- Since the DB itself is hidden, you need to unhide the DB. Go to Applications/FileManager and click on View/Show Hidden Files. The hidden files should be shown.
- To visually check data, you can do this:
- With Firefox browser, download the addon called sqlite manager. Add it as an addon for browser.
- Once installed, press ALT button to show the menu bar of FF and select Tools/SQLite Manager.
It will open the SQLite manager. Click on Database/Connect and while you're navgiate trhough file manager, be sure you have the "All Files" extension shown (instead of SQLIte DB Files (*.sqlite)). and select /home/tabernus/.db/eemobile.db
Since it is sqlite which is an open standard, there should be plenty of programming libraries that allow connection to that DB and make queries.