To Access SQL Lite, please follow the below instructions

  1. Since the DB itself is hidden, you need to unhide the DB. Go to Applications/FileManager and click on View/Show Hidden Files. The hidden files should be shown. 
  2. To visually check data, you can do this:
  3. With Firefox browser, download the addon called sqlite manager. Add it as an addon for browser.
  4. Once installed, press ALT button to show the menu bar of FF and select Tools/SQLite Manager.
  5. It will open the SQLite manager. Click on Database/Connect and while you're navgiate trhough file manager, be sure you have the "All Files" extension shown (instead of SQLIte DB Files (*.sqlite)). and select /home/tabernus/.db/eemobile.db 

Since it is sqlite which is an open standard, there should be plenty of programming libraries that allow connection to that DB and make queries.