Update Instructions:
Memory upgrade for HP 2U Unit.
Memory Upgrade:
Preferably and per the mobo manual (X9SRE) and (X9SRL):
Viewed from the back of the 2U unit (where the video cable is connected):
Ø Make sure unit is powered off and power cable is unplugged form the unit
Ø Remove the old/existing 4GB DDR3 stick – please keep in a safe place for troubleshooting/spare purpose
Ø Install the new memory on the blue slots - 1 and 2
- 4 slots on the right of the cpu – black, blue, black , blue
4. Power up the unit
5. If the unit beeps and wont’ boot , then move both to the blue slots on the left side of the cpu.
- If not detected move to blue slots – 3 and 4
- 4 slots on the left of the cpu – black, blue, black , blue
Please contact our support team for any issue of questions.