For those wishing to upgrade to our latest software, from 7.1.x, unfortunately, there is no direct upgrade path, and a new installation of our eeLAN is required. Please see your support FAQ's for more information about installing 7.3.x
For those who wish to retain your current eeLAN 7.1.x Database, when upgrading to eeLAN 7.3.x, a database schema update needs to be applied.
Unfortunately, at present, to ensure data integrity, this database schema update can only be performed by highly skilled Tabernus software engineers.
Therefore, in order for you to upgrade, you must open a support ticket and provide the following information
Provide a Screen Shot of your current license information (As we will ensure that your current licenses are refunded through your customer portal)
Please open a terminal window and send a screenshot of the following commands.
sudo sg_inq /dev/sda (If this asks for a password, please use tabernus)
hdparm –i /dev/sda
hwinfo - - short
inxi -Fx
- fdisk -l
In the same terminal , also run the following command to dump the database so that you can send it to us to update the schema
mysqldump -u root -ptabernus TABERNUS_ASSETDB_V2 > sqldump.sql