Both the Enterprise Erase LAN and Array products contain a database which keeps a record of all assets erased from that server.

Before a system upgrade, or as a routine, you may wish to backup this database so that it can be restored back to this point at a later date, or on another system.

To backup your Tabernus Database:

  • Open a terminal window from the desktop - right click the desktop and click 'Open in Terminal'
  • Pre 7.3 LAN, Array - At the terminal prompt type: mysqldump -u root -ptabernus TABERNUS_ASSETDB_V2 > tabernusbackup.sql
  • Post 7.3 LAN - At the terminal prompt type: mysqldump -u root -ppassword eenet_server_asset > tabernusbackup.sql
  • Check that tabernusbackup.sql exists on the desktop, and copy it to your backup location.

Saving Log Files:

At this point you may also wish to make a backup of the automatically generated erasure and asset logs on the system. These can be found in /var/log/diskpurge or by pressing 'View Logs' from within the Enterprise Erase software.

To restore your Tabernus Database from a previous backup:

  • Copy your backup .sql file to the desktop of your Tabernus server
  • Open a terminal window from the desktop - right click the desktop and click 'Open in Terminal'
  • Pre 7.3 LAN, Array - At the terminal prompt type: mysql -u root -ptabernus TABERNUS_ASSETDB_V2 < tabernusbackup.sql
  • Post 7.3 LAN - At the terminal prompt type: mysql -u root -ppassword eenet_server_asset < tabernusbackup.sql
  • Open TabData in your web browser and check the data has been restored